Elli Asker – Artist’s Statement

Artist’s statement and images by Elli Asker

© 2024 Elli Asker

Artist’s Statement

Elli Asker: My artistic practice is deeply rooted in the exploration of identity, the metaphysical, and the intimate connection between the body and nature. As a lesbian photographer, my work is profoundly influenced by my personal experiences and the complexities of my identity. The series “Surreal Serenity,” which I am presenting, is a visual meditation on the female form and the enigmatic qualities of water as a symbol of transformation, reflection, and the subconscious.

In this series, the body of a close friend serves as both a muse and a metaphor. The female form, depicted in a state of tranquil immersion in water, becomes a vessel for exploring themes of serenity, vulnerability, and the fluidity of identity. Water, for me, represents the metaphysical — a realm where the conscious and unconscious meet, where the boundaries between the self and the world dissolve. This fascination with water as a symbolic element is not only an aesthetic choice but also a conceptual one, reflecting my ongoing inquiry into the ways we navigate our inner worlds.

Surreal Serenity” is a continuation of my broader artistic investigation into how identity, particularly as a queer woman, is shaped by and nteracts with external and internal forces. The series invites viewers to contemplate the interplay between the physical and the ethereal, the seen and the unseen. By focusing on the subtle nuances of the body and its relationship with water, I seek to create images that evoke a sense of stillness and introspection, while also challenging conventional notions of the female body and its representation.

As an artist, my identity as a lesbian informs my work not only in terms of subject matter but also in how I approach the act of creation itself. My photography is a means of reclaiming and redefining the gaze, offering a perspective that is both personal and political. Through “Surreal Serenity,” I aim to create a space where the viewer can engage with the complexities of the feminine form, queer identity, and the metaphysical dimensions of existence. In my work, I strive to foster a dialogue between the personal and the universal, the intimate and the infinite. “Surreal Serenity” is an invitation to pause, reflect, and immerse oneself in the quiet power of the images, as they gently unfold the layers of meaning that lie beneath the surface.


© 2024 Elli Asker

About Elli Asker

Elli Asker: As a lesbian photographer from a former Soviet Union republic, now residing permanently in Sweden, my work is profoundly shaped by the intersections of identity, personal history, and sociopolitical experience. The transition from a career in political science to photography has allowed me to address these issues through a visual language that is simultaneously personal and universal.

The struggles I have faced due to my sexual orientation, coupled with the challenges of immigration, have deeply influenced my artistic vision. The impact of PTSD, resulting from these experiences, is a recurring theme in my work as I navigate concepts of fragmentation, reconstruction, and the search for belonging.

In recent years, I have actively sought to exhibit my work, participating in various exhibitions across Sweden and hosting my own solo exhibition. I am also a member of two prominent Swedish art associations, which have provided valuable platforms for sharing my work with diverse audiences.


© 2024 Elli Asker


© 2024 Elli Asker