An Interview with Holly Hughes of the NEA Four (2017)

Video (26:58): Hunter O’Hanian, CAA executive director, spoke to the artist Holly Hughes in 2017 about proposed budget cuts for the National Endowment for the Arts.

CAA writes in the description of the video, ‘Hughes is known for being one of the NEA Four—artists whose work was described by Republican lawmakers as controversial and even pornographic. The debacle over the NEA Four led to the closing of the federal agency’s program of giving grants to individual artists. O’Hanian and Hughes discuss ten points that originated with the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that advised Trump on his recent federal budget proposal. The two take on each suggestion point by point, offering a rebuttal to the Heritage Foundation’s logic.’

[The copyright of the video above remains with the original holder and it is used here for the purpose of education, comparison and criticism only.]

Related Link

Speaking Freely: Holly Hughes (2000)