Artist Talk with Kaethe Wenzel (2021)

Video (1:21:29): Artist Talk with Käthe Wenzel on the occation of the exhibition Swarms, Robots and Postnature.

‘Käthe Wenzel has created interfaces between the biological and the machine in her project Bone Bots. These hybrid electronic animals, robots made from animal bones, blur traditional categories of “technology” and “nature” as they are based on experiments from synthetic biology and represent semi-living machines. Wenzel’s Bone Costumes thematise the mass consumption of living beings and the daily killing of animal bodies and the standardized forms into which we try to squeeze our own bodies. The works emerged from research into historical corset techniques and in connection with modern fashion technologies; they have developed into exoskeletons: half organic and half mechanical apocalyptic outfits.’ – Art Laboratory Berlin

[The copyright of the video above remains with the original holder and it is used here for the purpose of education, comparison and criticism only.]

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Video post: Herstory Kaethe Wenzel