The Albion Street Gallery invites you to the opening of Anne Bentley’s solo show SANE on Friday June 25, 2010, 6-9pm at The Albion Street Gallery, 105 Albion Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia.
Category: Artist showcases
Norwegian artist and lesbian Grete Ramberg, based in Oslo, works with studio glass. In the spring 2010 she made her latest works at Engelsholm folk high school in Denmark.
Amie LeeKing is a queer artist born in Michigan, USA.
Laura Lilja talks about her Freak-installations: “The queer project ‘Freak’ is one of my most successful installations. The starting point of this series of installations is my own experiences in the Finnish school system.
Juliette Gorges Coppens, born 1969 in Paris, is a French artist working and living in Berlin. She works with different medias, sketches, collages, stained glasses, but her favorite is oil on canvas or on paper, the technique, which is used in her series “Portraits”.
You, me and everyone else we don’t know
Estonian Anna-Stina Treumund is a young lesbian artist. She is living and working in Tallinn. She is a MFA student at the Estonian Art Academy. Anna-Stina wants to share a few tips and tricks with us about how to recognize a lesbian from her part of the world.
Jessica Burke is a queer American artist.
Deep Lez uses cafeteria-style mixings of craft, context, food, direct action and human connections to maintain radical dyke politics and resistant strategies.
Text by Birthe Havmoeller. Film stills by Deirdre Logue.
Super Feminist – a queer video by Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan have collaborated for a decade. They are based in Winnipeg, Canada. They are two of Canada’s best known queer performance artists. They make some very funny feminist videos as well as live performances, and public art projects.
Photographer Verena Jaekel’s latest art project ‘New Family Portraits – Neue Familienportraits’ consists of a series of portraits that investigates the issue of current new family constellations.
‘Reality’ by Marianne Strøm / Arm Strom Marianne Strøm (alias Arm Strom) is a lesbian Norwegian. She is a mixed media artist, who lives in Oslo. She has sent the following statement to Feminine Moments: Since EuroPride in Oslo 2005, I have exhibited together with the group ‘Skeive kunstnere’ (Queer Artists)….
Swiss artist Caroline Juillard is based in Geneva. She studied photography at Ecole de photographie de Vevey.
Dyketactics & Other Films from the 1970’s by Barbara Hammer from Barbara Hammer’s video stream on Vimeo. Nitrate Kisses (1992) by Barbara Hammer. Nitrate Kisses is an essay documentary, which explores eroded emulsions and images for lost vestiges of lesbian and gay culture. First feature by a pioneer of lesbian cinema,…
Painter Lupe Ficara
Lill-Ann Chepstow-Lusty was born in England, has studied at Eastbourne College of Art and design in Sussex and is now working at The Museum of Cultural History at The University of Oslo.
Aurora Reinhard, Finland.
Text: Liz Ashburn, Sydney, Australia
‘The soul entering the universe for the first time’, painting by Jina Wallwork Jina Wallwork is a writer, artist and medium living in England. She has studied art and has a BA(hons) degree in fine art from Staffordshire University. Jina Wallwork has just released a book ‘The complete explanation of death…