British Painter Maggi Hambling

Maggie Hambling (born 1945) is a British painter, sculptor and queer woman. Maggi Hambling CBE discusses and reveals new work in this short documentary filmed in her London studio.

Lesbian Art Herstory: Lesbians Seeing Lesbians

Lesbians Seeing Lesbians: building community in early feminist photography
focuses on three of the most prominent photographers of this early generation: Tee A. Corinne (1943-2006: St. Petersburg, Florida), JEB (Joan E. Biren, b.1944: Washington D.C.), and Cathy Cade (b.1942: Honolulu, Hawaii). And the works of contemporary lesbian photographers: Cass Bird, Angela Jimenez, Zanele Muholi and Catherine Opie.


Activist and visual artist Zanele Muholi has send the article ANTI-CENSORSHIP, which was published in the Sunday Tribune, South Africa, July 2011. Sunday Tribune’s Vivian Attwood quotes activist, black lesbian and photographer Zanele Muholi who talked about her work as a visual activist:  ‘I am an activist before I am…

San Francisco: Artist Talk with Lenore Chinn

Gallery 1307 and Lenore Chinn cordially invites you to our First Round of Artist Talks. July 28 2011 7:00 pm at Gallery 1307 Lenore Chinn queer artist and author speaks about her long artistic career, art today and her new book: Cultural Confluences.

Artist Talk with Ana Hoffner in Estonia

Artist talk with Ana Hoffner on May 21, 2010 is part of the queer exhibition “Untold Stories”. The artist talk takes place at
Tallinna Kunstihoone, Vabaduse väljak 6, Tallinn, Estonia.

Aurora Reinhard Talks About Her Art Works

Aurora Reinhard (1975) earned her MFA, Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki in 2003. She is based in Helsinki, Finland. Aurora has worked with issues about gender, female identity and the marginalization of women, lesbians and other social groups since the end of the 90′ies.

A Conversation With Judy Chicago And Suzanne Lacy

Feminist artist Suzanne Lacy talks about how her art teacher and founder of the Los Angeles Womans Building Judy Chicago transformed her life in the begining of the 1970’ies. Their conversation is about mentorship, teaching and about women and art. The video was recorded on March 5 2007.

Talk By Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle

From the documentational videos of the “Intervene! Interrupt!: Rethinking Art as Social Practice” conference and festival at University of California Santa Cruz – May 15-17, 2008, (published may 2010 at YouTube) I have selected the videos of about by Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle.

The Song Of Songs by Liliana Kleiner

Lillian Kleiner will discuss the process of creating the art images for the sacred ancient book of ‘Shir HaShimrim, The Song of Songs at Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery, Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver, June 21 2010.