Rachael Shannon at MIX NYC

November 12 – 17 2013 MIX NYC presents the 26th New York Queer Experimental Film Festival. The queer arts programme features a series of installations. Video installation: Breastival Vestibule Rachael Shannon 2013, USA, inflatable dome, projected video, color. (loop) This project specifically examines the practice of toplessness by women within…

Imogen Heath at MIX NYC

November 12 – 17 2013 MIX NYC presents the 26th New York Queer Experimental Film Festival. The queer arts programme features a series of installations. Installation: Sexual Chemistry Imogen Heath 2013, Germany, multi-projected 16mm, color. (loop) This two-screen, 16mm analog film installation slows the moment leading up to a kiss…

Copenhagen – Remains of Eternity by Sif Itona Westerberg

Cross-posted at sifitona.blogspot.dk R E M A I N S  O F  E T E R N I T Y Solo Exhibition by Sif Itona Westerberg at OK Corral, Carlsberg Byen, Malttorvet 2, 1799 Kbh V Opening: Friday September 13th 2013, 5pm – 9pm Opening hours: 1pm – 5pm, The…

No Fear by Elinore Lindén Strand

Artist Statement and photos by Elinore Lindén Strand Close-up of No Fear, an installation by Elinore Lindén Strand, 2013. Splitting her time between Stockholm and Berlin has made Swedish visual artist Elinore Lindén Strand see the European history in a new light. Meeting people who’s grandparents fought for or against…

Campo S.Samuele 3231 by Zoe Leonard

Zoe Leonard’s installation, “Campo S.Samuele 3231”, 2012 The image created by Zoe Leonard’s installation is a kind of double exposure where you see the street outside the gallery. A video from inside Zoe Leonards room size Camera Obscura installation titled “Campo S.Samuele 3231”. About Zoe Leonard Zoe Leonard is an…

Between the Waves by Tejal Shah

Barbara Gross Gallerie in Munich, Germany is the second solo exhibition of Indian artist Tejal Shah. Titled Between the Waves, the video and installation project premiered at dOCUMENTA art festival last year under the curatorial rubric of Collapse and Recovery of artistic director Carolyn Christov Bakargiev. Between the Waves runs…

American Craftswoman Caitlin R. Sweet

Artist statement and photos by Caitlin Rose Sweet Gay Cave, mixed media, 15’x6’, by Caitlin R. Sweet, 2012. Photo by Ty August Chance Caitlin R. Sweet: I am a conceptual craftswoman who uses the connotations of the handmade as a platform to explore our relationship to the body, sexuality, utopian…

Id’s Its — Installations by Deirdre Logue

Deirdre Logue at Open Space, 2012 This video is from the opening of queer experimental filmmaker Deirdre Logue’s exhibition titled Id’s Its — Installations by Deirdre Logue July 13 to August 4, 2012 at Open Space, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. You see Velvet Crease, 2012 [id/ego/superego: 2 min. 23 sec.]…

Doing Time by Persimmon Blackbridge

Doing Time (1991) from Lorna Boschman on Vimeo. A video interpretation of a sculptural installation by Persimmon Blackbridge, this tape presents text and sculpture about the lives of four women who’ve been locked inside Canada’s prison system. Produced and Directed by Lorna Boschman. – Artist talk: Persimon Blackbridge. Text readings:…

Stockholm: Queer Creatures

Queer Creatures poster SUPERMARKET 2012 Stockholm’s Independent Art Fair presents an exhibition by rainbowartsproject (RAP) titled Queer Creatures at Kulturhuset, Sergels torg in Stockholm, Sweden February 17 – 19 2012. The exhibtion the press preview is Thursday the 17th of February 11.30. Queer Creatures Features Works By: Daniela Beltrani (Italy/Singapore)…

Dorothée Smith à la galerie des Filles du Calvaire

Promotional video: Dorothée Smith à la galerie des Filles du Calvaire by the blog ourageis13.com Enjoy – Hear us marching up slowly by Dorothée Smith. The solo show runs through February 25 2012 at la Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire in Paris, France.

WE HAVE A BODY by Mette Winckelmann

Installation view from WE HAVE A BODY by Mette Winckelmann. Photo by Femnine Moments. WE HAVE A BODY – A SOLO EXHIBITION BY METTE WINCKELMANN December 3rd 2011 – January 29th 2012, Den Frie Center of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark. In dialogue with Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art’s architecture,…

Sea Change by Barbara Hammer

Promtional video: Sea Change Installation from Barbara Hammer on Vimeo Sea Change (a poetics of the liquid state) by filmmaker Barbara Hammer, 5 Screen Digital Installation with Surround Sound and Photographic Prints. Dimensions variable. Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2010), the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the…

Installation by Dorothée Smith

C19H28O2 (Agnès) an installation made by queer photographer Dorothée Smith for her exhibition at Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains,Tourcoing, France, 2011.

Vancouver: Chosen Family Portraits

‘Chosen Family Portraits’ is a community-based art project commissioned during last years Vancouver Queer Film Festival with Artists-in-Residence Sarah Race and Sarah Buchanan.

Jamie Q’s Gaybombs at Dirtstar 2011: Take Root

Jamie Q’s Gaybombs reclaim the idea of an aphrodisiac weapon intended to cause homosexual behavior, proposed in 1994 by the U.S. Air Force Wright Laboratory. The installation is part of the exhibition Dirtstar 2011: Take Root, curated by Caitlin Sweet at the Luggage Store Annex / Tenderloin National Forest in San Francisco, June 2 – 19, 2011.

Something About Harry

Fiendish Man Woman
Dominique Hindmarsh and Susannah Thorne are two artists, who work collaboratively under the title of Mills and Morte, which evokes their individual interests in issues of love and death. They have chosen to focus this installation Something about ‘Harry: Secrets and Sins’ on the life of Eugenia Fallini. As Harry Crawford, was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife Annie Birkett in 1920 three years after her burnt body had been discovered in Lane Cove.