Last week I met independent curator and photographer Elinore Lindén
Strand and painter Frida Gustavsson for lunch and a chat about queer art at Kulturhuset in downtown Stockholm.
Category: Painting
Juliette Gorges Coppens, born 1969 in Paris, is a French artist working and living in Berlin. She works with different medias, sketches, collages, stained glasses, but her favorite is oil on canvas or on paper, the technique, which is used in her series “Portraits”.
‘Feral’ opens on Wednesday January 27, 2010 at Sloan Fine Art in New york. The Exhibition features queer artist Heather Sherman’s latest paintings.
Jessica Burke is a queer American artist.
Painter Georgia O’Keefe (1887–1986) has become a gay icon – especially because of her husband, famous American photographer Alfred Stieglitz’s very sensual nude photos of her, which created a public sensation, when he opened an exhibition, which included some of them in 1921. See the exhibition: ‘Georgia O’Keeffe: Abstraction’ runs through January 17, 2010 at Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA.
You can see Jessica Burke’s paintings and drawings of the queer community in the US at the Q Center in Portland, Oregon, USA. Q Center boasts one of the few all-queer gallery spaces in Portland. They work with local and national LGTB artists to bring dynamic and exciting exhibitions to its walls.
‘Reality’ by Marianne Strøm / Arm Strom Marianne Strøm (alias Arm Strom) is a lesbian Norwegian. She is a mixed media artist, who lives in Oslo. She has sent the following statement to Feminine Moments: Since EuroPride in Oslo 2005, I have exhibited together with the group ‘Skeive kunstnere’ (Queer Artists)….
Painter Lupe Ficara
A free event in California, USA: A Conversation in Re-Memory of Bernice Bing (1936-1998), Monday, March 23rd, 2009, 7-9pm, Timken Lecture Hall, CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF THE ARTS, San Francisco campus, 1111 Eighth Street (at 16th & Wisconsin St.) Speakers: Moira Roth, Trefethen Chair of Art History, Mills College Kim Anno,…
Artist Feature. Watercolorist Paula Visnoski.
European-American painter Michèle Marie Bonnarens alias Art tart has been living in the thriving art and lgbtq communities of Berlin since 1991.
Sadie Lee in her studio, a short film about a queer painter, Homotopia TV, 2008. A Short Film About Sadie Lee Sadie is in her studio, where she is talking about art, her paintings and the last taboo: images of older people with their sexuality. She is painting images of…
I have been corresponding with Danish artist Henriette Hellstern Kjøller about her life as a lesbian artist and her art latest projects. This is what she wrote. Henriette: To use my sexuality in my artistic work is the most natural thing for me as I my life as a lesbian is a…