A.K. Burns’ Exhibitions

No Time, No Place, No Body March 22 – April 18, 2017 Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, USA A.K. BURNS: SHABBY BUT THRIVING January 18 – April 23, 2017 The New Museum, New York A.K. Burns is an American…

Documentary Photographer Gon Buurman

De intieme blik/The intimate gaze – an exhibition with works by Dutch photographer Gon Buurman. The exhibition runs through April 29, 2017 in Amsterdam.

Artist Statement by Suzie Pindar

I go by the name of The Naked Artist – Suzie Pindar. As an artist I am constantly evaluating the world around me and the wide range emotions that are evoked deep within by all that inspires me.

Roni Horn at Fondation Beyeler

Video (3:52): exhibition views from the vernissage of the exhibition ‘Roni Horn’, Oktober 1, 2016. The exhibition runs through January 1, 2017.

Somnyama in France

Muholi’s artist statement reads, “Somnyama Ngonyama can be translated to ‘Hail, the Dark Lioness.’