Tessa Boffin: 1989-1993

Feminine Moments recommends Hales’ presentation of the exhibition ‘Tessa Boffin: 1989-1993’. Hales, New York, has the best online gallery about UK lesbian photographer Tessa Boffin’s main works!

The Children of Our Town

The Children of Our Town. A childrens’ book by artists Ethel Mars and Maud Hunt Squire. Verses by Carolyn Wells.
New York, ca. 1902.

Leslie-Lohman Artist Fellows 2023-2024

Meet the 2023-2024 cohort of Leslie-Lohman Artist Fellow, a dedicated program designed to empower queer artists of color from a wide range of cultural experiences.

Dreaming of Home

Dreaming of Home, SEP 07 – JAN 07, 2024 at Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art, USA. Dreaming of Home brings together artists whose work explores queer and trans domestic life across international and intergenerational perspectives.

Between Us

The queer art group exhibition ‘Between Us’ is on view at Alexander Gray Associates, Germantown, New York, September 1–October 15, 2023.

Drawing Diversity with Jennifer Camper (2014)

Video (56:47): Jennifer Camper, queer comic artist and editor of the new comic anthology Juicy Mother, brings contributing artists together to discuss comics as an expressive medium that is not representative enough in terms of diversity of perspectives.

The Queer Lens: Photographers in Conversation

Video (1:02:35): Photographers Jaypix Belmer, Jess T. Dugan, and C. Rose Smith discuss how they use the photographic image to construct queer visual histories through intimate representations of individuals with nonbinary, transgender, and gender-expansive identities.