Harmony Hammond and Ksenia M. Soboleva

Video (1:16.37): Artist Harmony Hammond joins Brooklyn Rail contributor Ksenia M. Soboleva for a conversation about Harmony Hammond: Accumulations and her creative practice..

Michela Griffo – Outrage

‘Outrage’ features works on paper by American queer feminist artist Michela Griffo. The exhibition runs through June 30th 2023 at SPOKE Gallery in Boston USA.

Into The Deep – Interview with Painter Michel Droge

Video (8:50): Artist talk with Michel Droge. Michel Droge is a painter whose work engages with the environment and ideas of multi-species, non-binary, and entangled life systems. They view environmental research and philosophy through a queer and eco-feminist lens.

Alice Austen and the Gilded Age

Video (26:19): Tony Guida’s NY is a talk show illuminating the colorful corners of New York. His guest is Bonnie Yochelson, Art Historian and author of a coming book about the photographer and lesbian Alice Austen (1866 – 1952).

Harmony Hammond: Crossings (2020)

Video (8:59): The queer feminist artist Harmony Hammond discusses work from her 2020 exhibition ‘Crossings’ at Alexander Gray Associates, New York.

Nicola Tyson “Sense of Self”

Video (3:27): a promotional artist talk about the process of making “Sense of Self”, an exhibition for Petzel Gallery during the Covid-19 Lockdowns in 2020.

Kelli Connell Photographs at the Alice Austen House Museum (2021)

Video (3:10): American photographer and queer artist Kelli Connell was invited to present her exhibition Double Life at the Alice Austin House Museum. At the same time, she made new works with her model Kiba Jacobson whom she has been working together with for 20 years.