In Hate We Trust – Based On True Stories About Hate Crimes Against LGTB

Elisabeth Ohlson-Wallin’s exhibition In Hate We Trust is open at Alingsås Konsthall, Södra Ringgatan 3, 441 81 Alingsås, Sverige: 17.01.09 – 01.03.09.

The creator of the exhibition ‘Ecce Homo’ is now focussing on recreating the true stories about hate crimes against LGTB. Photographer Elisabeth Ohlson-Wallin’s queer show ‘In Hate We Trust’, which has been touring Sweden for the last year, still creates a lively debate in the Swedish media.  When you have seen the video presentation of the exhibition you will know why people in Sweden are discussing if it is a good or a bad idea that schools take their pupils to see this queer exhibition.


Elisabeth has recently joined Youtube. You can subscribe to Elisabeth Ohlson-Wallin’s Channel: fotoeow on and see presentations of her other queer exhibitions.