Jes Fan: Beyond Appearances (2023)

Video (5:27): Artist Lens – Jes Fan: Beyond Appearances (2023).

Jes Fan’s sculptures fuse human-made and organic elements, inviting visceral responses that question binary thinking.

Fan frequently employs organic materials and other components that invoke the body to explore the possibilities of nature and animacy. In his biomorphic forms and tactile sculptures, Fan juxtaposes the visual elements of human skin—something biological and living—with the cold and clinical instruments of a laboratory to evoke visceral responses from his viewers. Throughout his practice, Fan examines complex ideas of sexuality, gender, race, and species to challenge oppositional concepts and binary thinking.’ – Artist Lens

‘Fan’s personal experiences—moving from his native Hong Kong to the United States, growing up queer, and transitioning—have profoundly shaped his artistic practice.(…)’ – Art21

[The copyright of the video above remains with the original holder and it is used here for the purpose of education, comparison and criticism only.]

Related Link

Video post. Jes Fan In Flux | Art21 “New York Close Up” (2019)