Laura Lilja: BLACKOUT

Laura Lilja: Sateenkaarilippu (2015)
Laura Lilja: Sateenkaarilippu (lateksi, spandex, pvc, verkkokangas, silkki, nahka / 200x335cm / 2015.)

Laura Lilja: BLACKOUT
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari 2
Tyynenmerenkatu 6, 00220 Helsinki, Finland
Ti-su / Ti-sö / Tue-Sun 12-17

BLACK is the darkest of colors, it is the absence of all colors of light but also an exhaustive combination of several pigments. It is an achromatic color, a color without color or hue. Black is often associated with death and mourning but also power and strength. Black is a color by which all others are clarified and defined.

A FLAG is a symbol of a country, organization, community or other group.

Laura Lilja (b. 1975) explores in her art the significance of materials and social power structures.

Further information:
+358 44 2919 119