Open Questions: Thirty Years of Writing About Art by Helen Molesworth

Video (51:23): Arts writer and curator Helen Molesworth at The New Orleans Book Festival (2024) discussing her new book with NOMA Director Susan Taylor. In this conversation Helen Molesworth mentions that writing this book has made her find her own voice as a lesbian arts writer.

Open Questions: Thirty Years of Writing About Art
by Helen Molesworth
Publisher: Phaidon Press (November 15, 2023)
Language: English
Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-10: 1838666052
ISBN-13: 978-1838666057
Item Weight: 1.7 pounds
Dimensions: 6.2 x 10.63 x 8.85 inches

‘Helen Molesworth is a writer, curator, and podcaster based in Los Angeles. Her major monographic exhibitions include Ruth Asawa, Moyra Davey, Kerry James Marshall, Catherine Opie, Amy Sillman, and Luc Tuymans. Molesworth, a prolific and award-winning author, is the recipient a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Clark Art Writing Prize, and the Bard Center for Curatorial Studies Award for Curatorial Excellence.’ –

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