Gender Has Had Its 15 Minutes Of Fame

In the 1990’ies everybody did gender, but now gender as an art themes has had its 15 minutes of fame, and we are back to square one: art made by queer women artists is ignored by the art world. It is a big backslash that the art world isn’t open and curious any more.

Guerilla Girls Fight For Equality In The Art World

Arts activists, the Guerrilla Girls are a group of anonymous women or “feminist masked avengers” fighting for gender and racial equality. They tell the American art world how male-centric it is and question why art by male artists is better than art made by women, black and hispanic people. In the video above you can see them in action giving a talk at the Brooklyn Museum.

Kate Borstein

Kate Borstein graduated Brown University, USA in 1969. She is a Jewish-American author, playwright, performance artist, and gender theorist, who teaches at universities around the world. Kate is a transexual dyke. Here (in the video above) she talks about what Brown taught her and encourages us to continue the spirit of the 1960’ies