The Deutsche Börse Photography Prize rewards a cash prize of £30,000 to a living photographer. Zoe Leonard (b.1961, USA) is among the nominees this year. She is nominated for her retrospective exhibition ‘Zoe Leonard – Photographs’, at the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, 2009.
Lost and Found – Queerying the Archive – an international group exhibition is comming to Umea, Sweden January 2010. And Bildmuseet and Umeå centrum för genusstudier will organize a couple of queer seminars, where you can me some of the visual artists.
‘Feral’ opens on Wednesday January 27, 2010 at Sloan Fine Art in New york. The Exhibition features queer artist Heather Sherman’s latest paintings.
Tejal Shah (b. 1979) is an Indian visual artist working with video, photography and installation.Tejal is going to Sweden for the opening of the ‘Lost and Found: Queerying the Archive’ in Umea and she will be presenting her art works at the seminar ‘Queer in Theory and Pratctice’ at Bildmuseet, Umea University, Sweden, Saturday January 30, 2010.
The lesbian curators Leslie Miller and Jess Jogel will be closing their Fontanelle Gallery in Portland, USA, and they have send me a letter inviting everyone to their closing party.
Femina Potens provides one more chance for you to explore the places sexology and ecology overlap. On Thursday, January 21st the Sexecologists are IN and Femina Potens Art Gallery invites you to the closing reception of ‘Sexecology’.
Norwegian art historian Jorunn Veiteberg has written a biography about Norwegian artist Ambrosia Tønnesen (1859-1948). Ambrosia studied first in Berlin and later she lived and worked as a sculptor in Paris for more than 20 years. She had talent and was a successful artist.
I have updated Feminine Moments index of lesbian art links with links to the portefolios the following queer female artists from Finland: Painter Viva Granlund , Anna-Liisa Kankaanmäki , Katariina Katla and sculptors and installation artists Anne Koskinen and Laura Lilja. I hope that you enjoy their portfolios.
I invite you to see a slideshow documenting the exhibition ‘Pink and Bent: Art of Queer Women’ first mounted at the Leslie/Lohman Gay Art Foundation gallery in New York City between May 21 and June 28, 2008 on’s website.
Screenings of short films by queer filmmaker Stefanie Schneider Januar 14, 21, 28, and Februar 4 at 21:00 hrs. at the cinema BABYLON, Mitte, Rosa-Luxemburg Platz 30 | 10178 BERLIN, Germany
You, me and everyone else we don’t know
Estonian Anna-Stina Treumund is a young lesbian artist. She is living and working in Tallinn. She is a MFA student at the Estonian Art Academy. Anna-Stina wants to share a few tips and tricks with us about how to recognize a lesbian from her part of the world.
I have updated Feminine Moments’ index of Lesbian Art Links with links to the web galleries of the following contemporary queer artists based in England: Soheila Keyani, who makes vibrant passionate paintings in bright colours. Ann Forster who is a figurative painter too. Ann investigates themes of sexuality, gender, lesbianism and transgender in…
Start 2010 with the SEXECOLOGICAL WALKING TOUR with Annie Sprinkle, multi-media artist and performer & Elizabeth Stephens, interdisciplinary artist.
I often hear that artists don’t like being labelled as belonging to one genre of the arts i.e. being a surrealist, a abstract painter or a lesbian artist, as the label suggests that the artist makes one kind of art only, and a truly creative artist never knows where the inspiration may lead her in her next art project.
Dear Artists, Friends and Collegues,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. May life bring you lots of new energy, inspiring projects and new friends in 2010. Love & Blessings, Birthe Havmoeller
The Extraordinary Drawings by Laurie Lipton will be open to January 2009 at Contemporary Urban Centre, Greenland, L1, Liverpool, UK. See an interview with Laurie Lipton about Extraordinary Drawings on
Film Premiere of Stefanies Schneiders new film & Concert with Daisy McCrackin December 10, 2009 in Berlin, And on December 11, 2009 Stefanie Schneider’s 29 PALMS, CA a feature film/ art piece opens in ARTBAR 71 in Berlin.
The queer art exhibtion ‘Threads’ by NQAF features art works by 53 queer visual artists. See a video about the exhibition.
Femina Potens Gallery, California, is delighted to be welcoming artist couple Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle as they aim to make the environmental movement sexier! On view in the gallery will be their vegan and bio-degradable wedding costumes.
This year it is the 10 year anniversary since the first Queer Pin@y Conference in 1999 founded at UCLA, CA, US. The QPC at UCLA, USA was kicked off earlier this week by an art exhibition on Nov. 15 2009. The QPC’s queer exhibition features local artists and UCLA undergraduates. Queer…