Anastasia Kuba is a San Francisco based photographer originally from Russia. She moved to United States on her own at the age of 20 in 2003. Partially because Anastasia felt lost in cultural and language differences, she turned to visual art as a universal way of self expression and communication….
European-American painter Michèle Marie Bonnarens alias Art tart has been living in the thriving art and lgbtq communities of Berlin since 1991.
Dear Friends, Artists & Readers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! I wish you well and hope that you’ll enjoy your holidays with friends and family and spread some happiness to the world. Thanks for a wonderful 2008! I hope 2009 will be a year with lots of…
Imogene Cunningham and an anonymous model.
“S&M: Shrines and Masquerades in Cosmopolitan Times,” an art exhition, which closes Saturday at the 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York, USA, includes South African photographer and queer activist Zanele Muholi’s photo “Miss D’vine I” – see her photo ( no 6 of 8) in a slide show about the exhibition…
Sadie Lee in her studio, a short film about a queer painter, Homotopia TV, 2008. A Short Film About Sadie Lee Sadie is in her studio, where she is talking about art, her paintings and the last taboo: images of older people with their sexuality. She is painting images of…
“fellow travellers” is group show of work by fifteen LGBT artists curated by James Lawler (UK).
Exposure Edmonton’s Queer Arts & Culture Festival 2008 invites you for an orientation at the Society of Northern Alberta Printartists (SNAP)’s studio facilities and meet artist-in-residence Anthea Black. SNAP Studio orientation for queer artists and activists with Anthea Black Friday November 21, 2008, 7 p.m. / SNAP 10309-97 Ave., Edmonton,…
The exhibition “Morbid Fantasies” runs through November 30, 2008 at The Femina Potens Art Gallery in San Francisco.
Amber Hawk Swanson reveals details from her unique, loving and complicated lesbian relationship with Amber Doll on her webpage and video stream. In 2007 Amber Hawk Swanson produced a life size doll in her own image for their collaborative art project. In the feminist art project “To Have, To Hold…
The winners of the 2008 Astraea Lesbian Visual Arts Fund (USA) are Jess Dunn, Elaine Gan and Amey Gee. The Astraea Lesbian Visual Arts Fund promotes the work of contemporary lesbian visual artists. Grants are awarded to artists working in an array of media including sculpture, painting, prints, mixed media…
The Swedish queer artist and commercial photographer Elisabeth Ohlson-Wallin made the European headlines in 1998 with the exhibition “Ecce Homo”, and she has made several fine exhibitions since then. She is an artist, who focuses on life’s big and difficult questions: religion, love, sexuality, and what it means to be a…
A symposium on Tee Corinne and lesbian art and culture is to be held December 8-9, 2008 at the University of Oregon, USA.
Art historian Flavia Rando, founding member of the Astraea Lesbian Visual Arts Committee, has curated a retrospective exhibition of works of art by late lesbian artist Maxine Fine (1942-2003). Maxine was one of the pioneering members of the Lesbian Art Movement in USA. Her work was published in the 1977 Lesbian issue…
Lisa Metherell
Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer’s Life, 1990 – 2005 at the National Portrait Gallery in London presents over 150 images by one of the world’s best-known photographers.
“BustED: art about breast health” is a group show of art celebrating the lovely and erotic nature of the bosom, while reminding everyone of the way breast cancer affects our lives. Transplant (Step 1) and (Step 2) – Talia Greene The group show includes works of art by Annie Sprinkle,…
Queer photographer Tammy Rae Carland, USA, has studiet lesbian beds… and they are all unmade just like my bed. It makes me feel better to know that unmade beds can be turned into fine visual memories. All it takes is a creative eye and a camera. Related Link Tammy Rae Carland’s online…
Lene Leth Rasmussen is a Danish designer based in Copenhagen. She is interested queer interaction design and mobile computing. Lene feels that queer subcultures need physical meeting places, however a place can’t be queerified in one go as the queer stories of a place must be heard and retold again and again before they become a…
If you are planning a trip to New York this autumn, I think that a visit to Catherine Opie’s exhibition “Catherine Opie: American Photographer” at the Guggenheim Museum is a must for any lesbian. Queer photographer Catherine Opie’s mid-career retrospective gathers works from many of Opie’s well known series, starting…