Queering Indigeneity: Groundbreaking exhibit spotlights Two-Spirit and queer artists
Video (6:16): Queering Indigeneity: Groundbreaking exhibit spotlights Two-Spirit and queer artists | APTN News
June 5—September 14, 2025
Nancy and John Lindahl Gallery, Minnesota Museum of American Art, St. Pauls, Minesota, USA
Queering Indigeneity artists include Sharon Day, Ryan Young, Delia Touché, Awanigiizhik Bruce, Niibawi Ajijaak, Awanaabe Syverson, Zoe Allen, Nawaakamigookwe Lera Hephner, Noah Polk, Madeline Treuer, Chewie Mason, Asin-Gwiiwizens, Sav Jonsa, Giiwedin, Nick Metcalf, and Penny Kagigebi.
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